Fixing insecure content issues in phpBB

Updated December 27, 2018 to correct some things based on new information.

So you’ve decided to use HTTPS for your forum to show your content securely. This is good and it’s not too hard a thing to do in most cases. Everything looks good but sometimes you notice on browsers like Chrome the little green lock icon up on the URL field disappears. What’s going on? If you investigate by clicking on the icon you can usually figure out what’s going on: there is some insecure content on the web page.

What is insecure content?

Insecure content is content embedded on a web page that is delivered insecurely, i.e. from a web server using http instead of https. Usually these come from external sources, and are typically externally hosted images that are served insecurely.

One way to investigate these is to view the HTML source of the web page. Use the Find feature to scan for URLs with http:// instead of https://. The issue occurs with embedded images like this:

<img src=" />

If all these URLs could be changed to something like:

<img src=" />

then all would be well, that is if the external website supports https.

How do you fix these problems? There are typically two places where these problems manifest:

  • In post text
  • In the user’s avatar

Here are some approaches you can use to solve to fix the problem:

Use the Image Redirect extension

As of this writing the Image Redirect extension is a Beta release, so it is not recommended that you install it on a production system. This extension also requires that you set up a proxy server on your web server, not a trivial tasks and something you may not be able to do on your class of hosting. Camo Proxy is one example of a proxy server you can install. What this extension does is scan the page for these external image URLs, fetches them using a proxy and changes the URL so that it is served from your proxy copy, which will be on your machine and served securely. In theory this extension should solve all issues like this. Note that it takes some time to create a proxy image if it is not cached and this adds some small overhead, which may slow page rendering.

Fix the embedded URLs in your database

This works by changing the URLs in your database. You scan for http:// and replace it with https://. Using this approach has some limitations:

  • The server serving the remote content may not have https installed. What generally happens is the image is not served and a white box appears instead. This could make lots of posts look off or unacceptable, particularly if these images are large.
  • While it corrects existing URLs, it doesn’t prevent someone from doing the same thing in the future.

If you can live with these limitations, you can fix it in the database. This approach assumes you have MySQL or MariaDB as your database and that the REPLACE function is available. It also assumes you have phpMyAdmin or a similar way to issue SQL (Structure Query Language) commands to the database. In phpMyAdmin, there is a SQL tab where you can type in and execute SQL. Just make sure you use a SQL tab for your database.

There are two tables that typically need fixing: phpbb_posts and phpbb_users. Steps:

  1. Disable the forum
  2. Backup the forum’s tables. Make sure it is a complete backup by downloading the extract, uncompressing if if necessary and looking at the end of the file. There should be SQL in there populating the phpbb_zebra table at the bottom of the file.
  3. Use phpMyAdmin or a similar tool to go into your database. If you are not sure which database you need to modify, look at your forum’s config.php file. The database name is in the file.
  4. You can examine the extent of the problem by first looking at each table. In these examples I assume your table prefix is phpbb_. The config.php file contains the actual table prefix, which may be different.
SELECT post_text FROM phpbb_posts WHERE post_text like '%IMG src="http://%';
SELECT user_avatar FROM phpbb_users WHERE user_avatar like '%http://%'
  1. To actually fix these, use the following SQL:
UPDATE phpbb_posts set post_text = replace(post_text, 'http://','https://') WHERE post_text like '%IMG src="http://%';
UPDATE phpbb_users set user_avatar = replace(user_avatar, 'http://', 'https://') WHERE user_avatar like '%http://%'
  1. Reenable the board
  2. You might need to purge the cache, but it should not be necessary.

After these steps, some users may notice that their avatar no longer serves and there is a big, ugly white space instead. They may try to change the URL in their Avatar settings back to http:// to restore it, in which case the problem may recur. This option can be disabled (see below). In general they should be encouraged to upload an avatar so it can be served from your web server, which will then serve it securely.

Preventing future insecure content

For avatars, the issue is due to allowing remote avatars. This can be changed: ACP > Board configuration > Avatar settings > Enable remote avatars > No

For posts, you can remove the permission to use the [img] BBCode. The easiest way to do this:

  1. ACP > Permissions > Group forum permissions > Registered users group > All forums
  2. For each forum, click on the Advanced permissions link, then the Content tab.
  3. Set Can use [img] BBCode tag permission to Never. Note: this will affect everyone, including special groups and administrators. If you want to have it affect only registered users, set it to No instead. Other groups however may retain the permission to post embedded images. You may want to use this pattern on other groups you have defined. 

Fixing blank spaces where embedded images should appear

Since blank space represent placeholders for external images that no longer exist, the URL may need to be corrected. You can try the MySQL Replace function above if you know the new pattern to use.

Alternatively, you can install the External Images as Links extension. This will substitute a clickable URL for the image. It’s likely the URL will lead to HTTP 404 error (not found), but it at least resolves the blank space image in the post.


One thought on “Fixing insecure content issues in phpBB

  1. Good and clear instructions. But with a big mistake. In the posts the pictures are coded into BB codes with some HTML symbol entities and unique BB code . Posts do not have standard HTML IMG tag syntax with SRC. This is the correct expression, modified only to the sum = SELECT count(post_text) AS found FROM phpbb_posts WHERE post_text like ‘%[img%]http://%’

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